Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lots of goings ons..............

One morning, I was waiting on Alex to brush his teeth.

It has been really cold here in South Carolina! - almost as cold as The North Pole!
I found some warmth in Mama's coat. The family was not very happy when they found Alex's tree
decorated with his underwear!

I fixed Alex a Pop Tart one morning. I hope he didn't mind that I took a bite!

Santa sent Alex these cool 3D glasses to look at the Christmas lights.

I have been entertaining the snowmen and snowwoman by reading stories.

Alex has been pretty good. He has only gotten in trouble at school once in the last three weeks. He has been mouthy to his parents and that is what gets him in the most trouble. Well...that and not doing what his parents tell him to do or doing something that they tell him not to do.
I only have a little over a week left on this assignment. When Santa comes to deliver Alex's Christmas presents, I will catch a ride back to The North Pole.
Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Busy Fa La La La La Last Few Days

This is where Alex found me this morning.

One morning, Alex caught me blogging about him!

I got really bored one morning and played in the bandaids.
Alex's Mama was not very happy with me.

Whew! It is really hard work keeping up with Alex! And, then I have to travel back to the North Pole to report to Santa, then back to South Carolina to watch Alex.
Alex has been pretty good since I last reported. I have had a fun time surprising him every morning by showing up in different places. His Mama took the pictures that I posted.
One day I overheard Alex tell his Mama "Sasha is watching me." I must be doing a good job because he has been good this week.
I will report back soon.
Love to all!